Coloured paper envelope - pearly platinum. No printing. Thanks to the high-quality and durable strip with glue, the envelope can be easily glued and firmly held. Suitable for packing various gift vouchers and money. ARGUS ... ECO FRIENDLY
Price eshop = 6pcs
Technical parameters
Item number
0.030 kg
Package size (width x height x depth)
12.0x19.5x0.5 cm
Dimension (width x height x depth)
12.0x19.5x0.1 cm
Size dimension
A6 (B6, C6)
1081-0003 Envelope colour 120x195mm pack of 6pcs
Envelope B6 colour pearly platinum, pack. 6 pcs
Coloured paper envelope - pearly platinum. No printing. Thanks to the... Show more
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