After every summer vacation, you probably struggle with how to properly prepare your child for the return to school. We live in a time when children return to school after more than a year, while they have never had such a long break in the past. After such a long time, when children were educated only at home, it can be difficult for many schoolchildren to return to school desks.
Returning to school will cause not only enthusiasm for seeing his friends again, but also a dislike for the regular regime and tougher assessment conditions. Earlier social ties can be broken to a certain extent, and a really difficult period can arise for the child, in which he does not even return to the original setting. Distance education, strict hygienic conditions and great psychological demands on the child, because he is entering the unknown. Some children who were comfortable with home schooling will lose their confidence. Others, who were already looking forward to school, may feel sober from excessive over-motivation.
Make them feel that they are not alone
Show your support to the child and assure him that you will manage everything together. Explain to him that he does not have to be afraid of anything, because all children will be the same and the teachers will have to reflect on the situation. Arm yourself with patience and support the child. At the same time, listen to him, it is not desirable to silence him in the bud and beat him with arguments. On the contrary, it is important what he wants to tell you and only then look for a solution together. Above all, do not stress the child about going back to school, on the contrary, talk about it in a positive way.
Give them enough information
Don't forget to prepare them for what awaits them. Explain to them that certain rules will need to be followed (testing, masks, smaller groups). Go through the school calmly with the younger children, show them what they can find where (locker room, dining room, classroom, toilet). If you know about some changes (new teachers, merger), be sure not to hide them from the child. And also provide some information to teachers if needed (special needs, divorce, death).
To be prepared is to survive
A bit exaggerated, but it's true. Prepare the child to get used to a regular regimen earlier than from 1.9. From mid-August, calmly start following the morning and evening regime again. At the same time, go shopping together and ensure everything he will need for school. Walk the routes to and from school, alert them to risky sections (intersections).
You can buy school supplies together with your children in our online store, where you can find everything you need, such as boxes for notebooks, school suitcases, children's aprons, notebooks, pencil cases, pencil and pen stands, school shoe bags, school diaries and many others. We offer many motifs for both girls and boys. Children especially look forward to frie

Motivate them and detect the problem in time
Every child is individual and no one knows them better than you. It is necessary to listen to him and observe whether everything is going as it should. The adaptation process is gradual, so don't expect miracles. Help him find his old passion again. We advised you on how to motivate a child to go to school in one of the previous articles. If you see changes in the child's behaviour (social isolation, mood swings, difficulty concentrating), start addressing them. In the first phase, you can help, with your approach, recognizing the problem and looking for solutions, in the second phase, the teacher can help, if that doesn't work, visit professional help.
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